A Team Onsite Story

Moss Goes Pro: An Onsite with an Impact

Published on
August 24, 2024
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The Annual Moss Onsite
Location: The Moss Office in Berlin
Group Size: 250

How Celbretti Helped

- Creation of an Evergreen Onsite Concept

- Definition of the Onsite Theme for 2024

- Onsite Agenda Definition

- Creation of Onsite Activities

A recent fundraising round, over 3,000 active customers, and 4 offices spread across Europe: the team at Moss Payments has covered a lot of ground since the company was founded in 2019! And with an ambitious set of goals set for 2024, the team wanted to make One Moss Week -  their annual onsite in Berlin - really count. 

Jolanta Bochen, Expert Office and Event Manager at Moss, recalls, "The feedback we got from the 2023 onsite told us that people had had fun but were missing the red thread. We knew One Moss Week had the potential to become something really special for Mossers, but as a lean team we didn’t have the time to really flesh it out. That’s why we reached out to Celbretti for support.”

“The project kicked off from such a great point because of Celbretti's awesome help and ideas. We really could not have done it without them!”

Celbretti started by interviewing each member of the executive team about the company goals and what they thought the team needed to hit them. “It became clear that the onsite needed to align the team on what having impact meant, to get the team to learn more about financial expertise, and help folks meet new people during the onsite,” Celbretti founder Rachel Wright recalls.

To deliver this, Celbretti created a concept for One Moss Week that could be used each year with tailored activities to create the desired impact, a company-wide finance bootcamp quiz, and games to help team members have conversations with people they didn’t know. Lastly, Celbretti proposed a theme for the 2024 onsite to energize the team around the idea of leveling up: One Moss Goes Pro. 

Reflecting back on the collaboration with Celbretti, Jolanta writes, “The project kicked off from such a great point because of their awesome help and ideas. We really could not have done it without them! We now have an evergreen concept, a fantastic theme for 2024 (which the team LOVED during user testing), and a host of great activities that really bring the strategy to life.”