Terms & Conditions

Last updated on 6 August 2024

  1. Scope 

1.1 Celbretti UG ("Celbretti UG") provides a team event service (the "Service") that helps the customer (the “Customer”) plan, coordinate, and implement team events. 

1.2 Through the Celbretti website (hereafter the “Website”) users can explore the Service and get inspiration from other projects Celbretti has completed. Users can also sign up for the Celbretti newsletter and book a call. 

1.3 Celbretti UG acts as a consultant to the Customer and intermediary between the Customer and individual service providers (e.g locations, caterers, and entertainers) who may be engaged to produce the team event. As an intermediary, Celbretti UG enters into an intermediary contract with the respective Customer who uses Celbretti UG's services (the "Intermediary Contract"). Celbretti UG also enters into separate partner agreements with the respective Providers, which are not subject to these General Terms and Conditions ("GTC"). These GTC solely govern the contractual relationship between Celbretti UG and the Customer.

1.4 The following General Terms and Conditions ("GTC") apply in their current version at the time of use, even if accessed from outside the Federal Republic of Germany, to all intermediary contracts between Celbretti UG and the respective Customer. These GTC also apply to the use of the Website by the User. For any special promotions initiated or supported by Celbretti UG and other access channels (e.g., applications), different and/or supplementary terms and conditions may apply.

  1. The Celbretti UG Website

2.1 There is no claim by a User against Celbretti UG that our website will be permanently and/or unchanged available. Changes are possible at any time.

2.2 All data and information, especially images, illustrations, video clips, and descriptions, are protected by copyright, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights. The data and information may not be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or otherwise distributed, including by email and other electronic means, and/or made available to the public unless expressly permitted by Celbretti UG.  Without the prior written consent of Celbretti UG, neither modification of the data and information nor their use on other websites or in networked computer environments nor their use for other than personal, non-commercial purposes is permitted and constitutes a violation of copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights. Furthermore, without the consent of Celbretti UG, it is not permitted to download, reproduce, and distribute the website in whole or in part. Any use of the content for commercial purposes without permission from Celbretti UG is prohibited. The distribution of content to third parties is not permitted without the consent of Celbretti UG. Creating a hyperlink to the website is prohibited if the page behind this link contains morally offensive, glorifying violence, racist, or criminally relevant information.

  1. Services of Celbretti UG

3.1 Celbretti UG offers a service package to Customers. The Service Celbretti UG provides includes: 

  • Definition of the event purpose and metrics
  • Location scouting 
  • Collection of offers from locations and partners
  • Partner and location invoicing 
  • Event concept 
  • Event coordination and project management
  • Internal communications plan and materials
  • Conception and production of a digital icebreaker for the event
  • Recommendations for spotlighting company leadership 
  • Delivery of post-event report

3.2 Users who are interested in Celbretti UG’s Services can book a 30 minute meeting to discuss Team Events with Celbretti UG free of charge. Alternatively, Celbretti UG can also be contacted via email (hello@celbretti.de). 

3.3 In delivering the Services listed in §3.1, Celbretti UG  both a consultant and Intermediary on the Customer’s behalf. As a consultant, Celbretti UG provides guidance and advice on team event coordination. As an Intermediary, Celbretti UG can arrange Services from third parties (e.g locations, caterers, and entertainers) if the Customer desires. As an Intermediary, Celbretti UG handles the invoicing and all communication with the third parties. The Terms and Conditions as well as the offers made by third parties are shared transparently with Customers. Customers must agree to the costs and the Terms and Conditions of the third parties in writing before Celbretti UG will proceed with the arrangements. Once approved, the Terms and Conditions of the third parties must be respected in the scope of the project. 

  1. Conclusion of Event Contracts between the User and the Provider

4.1 To conclude an Event Contract with Celbretti UG, Users must take the following steps: 

  • Users must book a 30 minute call with Celbretti UG using the ‘Book a Call’ link on the Website. 
  • Following the call, Celbretti UG will provide an offer for Event Coordination services via email. 
  • The offer is concluded when the User sends a signed copy of the offer via email to Celbretti UG within the 14 day time period. After this point, the contract and its terms are binding.

  1. Payments

5.1 Celbretti UG splits the payment for Services into two invoices. The terms for these are as follows: 

  • Invoice 1 is issued after the Customer has approved the event location. This invoice includes 50% of the payment for Celbretti UG’s event coordination services and 50% of the total amount for the services rendered by any partners. The invoice is to be paid in full within 30 days of the date of issue via bank transfer. 
  • Invoice 2 is issued following the team event. This invoice includes 50% of the payment for Celbretti UG’s event coordination services and the remaining amount for the services rendered by any partners. The invoice is to be paid in full within 30 days of the date of issue via bank transfer. 

  1. Event Cancellation

6.1 In the event that the Customer cancels their team event, the following fee applies to Celbretti UG’s Services:

  • If the cancellation occurs after the signing of the offer, 25% of the fee is due. 
  • If the cancellation occurs after the offers for the event locations have been provided, 50% of the fee is due. 
  • If the cancellation occurs after the venue has been approved, 75% of the fee is due. 
  • If the cancellation occurs after the point at which the event is 14 days away, 100% of the fee is due. 

In addition, the terms and conditions outlined by the third parties the Customer agrees to engage (e.g location, caterers, entertainers) with regard to cancellation also apply. In agreeing to engage the third parties for the team event, the Customer agrees to these terms and conditions. 

  1. Liability

7.1 In cases of intent, Celbretti UG is liable according to statutory regulations.

7.2 In cases of gross negligence, Celbretti UG is liable according to statutory regulations.

7.3 In cases of simple negligence, Celbretti UG is liable – subject to a milder liability standard under statutory provisions (e.g., for diligence in own affairs) – only for damages resulting from the breach of a material contractual obligation (i.e., an obligation whose fulfillment is essential for the proper execution of this contract and on whose compliance the User regularly relies and may rely); in this case, Celbretti UG's liability is limited to the compensation of the foreseeable, typically occurring damage. Indirect damages and consequential damages resulting from defects of the delivered item or work are only compensable to the extent that such damages are typical and foreseeable when the delivered item or work is used as intended.

7.4 The limitations in clause 7.3 do not apply

  • to damages resulting from injury to life, body, or health;
  • to liability under the Product Liability Act;
  • to the extent Celbretti UG has fraudulently concealed a defect or assumed a guarantee for the quality of the goods or work.

7.5 The limitations of liability arising from this section apply (i) to all claims for damages, regardless of the legal basis, in particular for impossibility, delay, defective or incorrect delivery, breach of contract, breach of duties during contract negotiations, and tortious acts, to the extent that they are based on fault, and (ii) also to breaches of duty by agents and other persons whose fault Celbretti UG is responsible for under statutory provisions.

  1. Customer Obligations

8.1 The Customer is prohibited from violating the rights of third parties or otherwise harassing third parties when using Celbretti UG's services, as well as from abusing or engaging in illegal activities. The User is obliged to use Celbretti UG’s services with the utmost care. The User must refrain from any actions that may directly or indirectly impair the server integrity or stability of Celbretti UG.

  1. Provisions for Using the Email Service

9.1 Unless otherwise specified, all communications and messages required for using Celbretti UG's services are transmitted electronically.

9.2 Celbretti UG does not tolerate abuse of the offered services. Celbretti UG's email service may not be used for sending or forwarding spam or other content that violates our GTC. Adding other Users to one's email distribution lists or contacting them for commercial purposes is not allowed unless the User has given their explicit consent.

  1. Data Protection

10.1 Celbretti UG processes personal data of Users to provide the contractually agreed service within the framework of these GTC. Celbretti UG collects, processes, and uses this personal data to the extent necessary for establishing and handling the contract and for billing purposes. The legal basis for processing data for these purposes is found in Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. (b) GDPR. 

10.2 In addition to these GTC, the provisions of our Privacy Policy apply, which can be viewed online here: https://www.celbretti.com/privacy-policy 

  1. Other Provisions

11.1 Celbretti UG does not provide Services to organizations or groups with extreme political affiliations or to groups and organizations that espouse violence and discrimination. 

  1. Final Provisions

12.1 These GTC are final for regulating the legal relationships between Celbretti UG and the User. Any deviations from these GTC require an explicit written confirmation from Celbretti UG.

12.2 If any provision of these General Terms and Conditions or part of such a provision is invalid or becomes invalid, this does not affect the validity of these General Terms and Conditions as a whole. In place of the invalid provision, the relevant statutory provisions apply.

12.3 The contractual relationships of the parties are governed by the law of the Federal Republic of Germany. The place of jurisdiction is – to the extent permitted – Berlin.

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